Terms and conditions.

Cozumel Marine park rules

It Is Strictly Prohibited:

To stand on, or take hold of the coral reefs

To fish for, to collect, to disturb or to keep any marine life organism found in the Park (fishes, corals, shells, starfish, etc.)

To carry spears, hooks, harpoons or explosives

To carry gloves or knives (Dive Masters and Instructors may register these items for use with the Marine Park).

To disturb or to remove fauna and flora from their refuge.

To feed any fish or animals in the Marine Park

To dispose of any kind of solid waste in the ocean.

To dump fuel, grease, oil, or any other liquid substances into the ocean

We reserve the right to refuse service to any diver whose behavior is believed to be a danger to the safe operation of the boat or is harmful to the reefs. Please respect our marine park rules to help keep Cozumel reefs in healthy condition.

Terms and conditions apply, please contact us for more information.